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Thread #116571   Message #2504335
Posted By: Barry Finn
30-Nov-08 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Opium from Afghanistan
Subject: RE: BS: Opium from Afghanistan
He,He,He,He the US getting into the market of growing opium. Remember the "Guns for Coke" deals during the Reagan years? That's all we need, like it or not some of the folks in government would somehow find a way to start a new opiate supply industry.

There's no need to make this into a new 'start up' business when synthetic sources are already used & are better suited for medical purposes.

If you want less drug users demand a war on drugs! There hasn't been a serious war on drugs since the late 60's, early 70's, actually there never was a REAL war on drugs, just a lot of lip service, like the war on poverty. Demand drug education instead of just saying "NO" or keeping inefficent clinics in place that date back to the 60's & just keep the addicts under control & reigned in rather than trying to rehabilate them. Demand that we have available, accessable & affordable rehabe centers to wean junkies off of the posion that the government allows to filter through our borders & start providing some drug therapy with a bit of follow up care. It'd be much cheaper to fund this than what our present drug policy offers now, oh, do we even have a drug policy? Why not, we have every other kind of poliy imaginable now except those that'd be helpful Think how hard it is for a terrorist to fly, ride, float or walk across our borders, if that same technology were applied to drugs there'd be a lot less of it available now.
Enough rant for now.
