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Thread #116573   Message #2504455
Posted By: Big Mick
30-Nov-08 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
Subject: RE: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
Jed is a first rate musician, one of the finest songwriters I know, one of the finest people I know, and one of my very closest musician friends. I happen to think his politics are out of whack, but only in a couple of areas. But I will tell you this. If you decide you are going to debate Jed, you had better have your facts straight, and be ready with something other than cutesy little cliche'd arguments. I may not agree with some of his positions, but I dearly love the conversations we have. They are thought provoking, and full of give and take, and I come out better informed than when I started. I would rather spend time in spirited discussion with him, than in conversation with other liberals who can't think outside of their biases. All that, and singing and playing with this fine friend to boot. Don't get no better'n that, Pa.

Jed, Sarah Palin got attacked in a far less ferocious manner than the attack she put on Obama. The attacks on her were based on her own comments and track record. Her attacks on Obama, actual and implied, appealled to the lowest common denominator. She, and McCain (a man I actually used to admire), as well as their surrogatesd, did everything they could to imply that this fine, Christian, family man was a terrorist, a Moslem (as if there was something wrong with that), and ill qualified. Her speeches were the places where folks would call out "terrorist" and "kill him".

Having said that, I believe we will see more of her. She is no dummy. She will do an assessment of herself, and do what she must to get back on the stage.
