The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116580   Message #2505124
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
01-Dec-08 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: What sort of folk club is yours?
Subject: RE: What sort of folk club is yours?
Mmmmm - Lots of food for thought there people - Thanks! I am pretty sure that John has the right idea. Lets see a balance that helps see music and entertainment restored. I would also like to see, as in Banjimans club, more 'out there', in the bars and pubs but to perfectly honest I wouldn't dare bring one or two of our 'folk performers' out of their nice little club cocoons. Not entirely on a 'quality' basis either. I know some no more than copmpetant musicians who are extemely entertaining (seeing two tonight - I know you won't take any offence Ron or Mike :-) ) and some technical brilliant ones who could bore the pants off a statue of Queen Vic!

Al is right as well. Let us see all sorts of music. There is no reason, other than snobbery as far as I can see, why John Denver and Bobby McGee should not have their place in folk clubs alongside Patrick Spens and Shirley Collins. (See what I did there? Clever, eh? Eh? :-P ) As long as they are all performed in a manner that people enjoy there should be no reason why clubs should not come out of the closet and go into the front room. Maybe it is the kick start pubs have been waiting for? Oh - Like the hot buffet as well, Al:-)

Anyway, where was I...

Oh aye. I hope that at Swinton we can see the format continue with some minor tweaks. Maybe move to an 'open mike' in the pub on occasions? Maybe we can subsidise artists, so we don't see the like of Tom 'fall by the wayside'. (Maybe I should post the same question on Yahoo - Whatcher think, Tom?)

I still don't know what to think but there are some ideas spreading like a fungus under this old gnome hat... Hmmmmm. Keep 'em coming!

BTW - I am after a career change. Anyone know who would pay me to do this sort of stuff and come up with ideas? ;-)
