The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2505325
Posted By: GUEST,Smokey
01-Dec-08 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Smokey - Youve identified plagiarism in our midst. Listen to Wav's silent recorder demonstration...

I think it's a rip-off of Cage's 4'33"

Yes, I listened Stu. You're quite right, but I think he did it a bit fast for my tastes. That's beginners for you though - rush the music and miss all the subtle nuances. Really, one shouldn't record stuff until it's been aired in front of an audience.

some do refer to the recorder as the English flute

Who? I've played recorders since I was a child, and later on in a professional capacity and I have never heard the instrument referred to as an English flute until you came along. Please stop being silly, you know perfectly well what it's called, it's on the sheet of paper you got with it when you bought it.

and some have enjoyed my playing of it.

Some what? Your peers? Very polite people who just wish you would go? Dogs?

...but for any given tune, CB, the bellows of an Anglo would be pushed and pulled more than with an English, yes?...

Yeah right WaV - what would a long-standing professional concertina player know about it?