The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116166   Message #2505615
Posted By: VirginiaTam
02-Dec-08 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: Odetta hospitalized (Nov 2008)
Subject: RE: Odetta hospitalized (Nov 2008)
death and bodies of water, crossing over

About 4 weeks after my 23 year old daughter passed away (sudden illness) I had a dream (very real) of her. She was standing on the opposite side of small stream from me, chattering excitedly about being able to finish her degree "here" "I can do my last courses here, Mom." In the dream I asked "where is here?"

She smiled a kind of "I know something you don't know" little smile and put her palm against front of my shoulder. Slight pressure to stop me crossing the stream, warning me not to ask questions. I awoke immediately and fully and could still feel the pressure of her hand on my shoulder for something like 10 minutes after.

Another later dream of her involved same stream... She was telling me exciting stuff, sharing the way she used to do, but the water again was between us.

So yeah I believe in the water and crossing over thing.