The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2506088
Posted By: caitlin rua
02-Dec-08 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interru
In case any non-Irish readers are a bit baffled by the last three posts: FÁS (pronounced Foss) (rhymes with Loss) is a government agency dealing with employment issues.* It comes as a surprise to no one here that they are as corrupt as the rest of them - at a time when there is a recession and huge unemployment, and it's getting worse. The Progressive Democrats are a political party which has recently disbanded. Mary Harney is the current Minister for Health and Children and you can look her up in Wiki & elsewhere if you have the stomach for it.

I had to take a friend to the emergency unit of the nearest hospital - which is 30 miles away - and it was a ten-hour wait. Trolleys of patients waiting to be seen were lined up on both sides of the corridor (which they have informally named the Mary Harney Ward). The staff there were brilliant (no one is criticising them) but - get this - there was ONE doctor on duty, and in addition to his skilled medical work he had to FILL OUT THE EFFING PAPERWORK, causing immeasurable delays. Not to mention stressing him out at a time when he desperately needed to be able to think clearly. But hey. At least we have an A&E unit. I hear they are trying to close the only one in another county.

This is the crowd that keeps Larry in power and protects him from the consequences of his and his ruling committee's arbitrary and self-interested acts. And from what I read, it looks like they are getting away with the hijacking of Clasac. Bertie's children. (Bertie is the previous Taoiseach/Prime Minister, recently ousted for corruption.)

Eileen or anyone - what is the latest development? Trying to read between the lines leaves me with the impression that things could be better. What's been happening?


[formerly Guest caitlín]