The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11363   Message #250646
Posted By: GUEST,Annraoi
02-Jul-00 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: Review: The Man From God Knows Where (Tom Russell)
Subject: RE: 'The Man From God Knows Where'
Joe, Am I right in thinking that Tom Russell makes some sort of claim to be a descendant - direct or otherwise - of *the* Thomas Russell ?
If so, then everyone on this side of the Atlantic would be delighted to know of it.
The Templemore, of Tom Russell's ancestors, is in Co. Offaly, not in Co. Cork where *the* Thomas Russell originally hailed from. One last point, he *did not* die in 1798, but in the early 18oo's. I'm writing from memory here, so I am loth to hazard a precise year, but I think he was hanged outside Downpatrick gaol in 1803. His was the last public hanging n Ireland.