The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22889   Message #250682
Posted By: Jon Freeman
02-Jul-00 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Men's Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Men's Mudcat
Sorry Ebbie and I will stop now. I never saw HG's post suggestion as being feminist and did not expect the replies that suggested that I was trying to be controling or being sexist on what I had tried to address in general terms.

I remain deeply saddened that some people who I had considered to be friends and I had respected should manage to misinterpret my words so badly and my first post here does not reflect my beliefs but the way my words were used against me.

Such is life and it is time for me to let it drop. As in the Ancient Mariner, I walk away a sadder and a wiser man.
