The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114650   Message #2508136
Posted By: Teribus
04-Dec-08 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Bailout
Subject: RE: BS: The Bailout
Oddly enough Bobert, in one way, for some completely perverse reason I do wish the US Government had followed your advice on this from day one, right across the board.

The results would have been as follows:

1. The USA as you know it would be completely screwed. No money at all, nobody prepared to lend and a seige mentality benefiting very, very few - In other words Bobert you would create exactly what you have been saying has existed for years but which in actual fact hasn't.

2. A number of "catters" such as yourself and Little Hawk would be taught the object lesson that there is no such thing as "big, evil, multi-national mega corporations" who just happen to be responsible for all the ills on this planet. Because when all these banks, insurance companies and mass employers go to the wall as you suggest you will discover that the major shareholders in those "big, bad, evil, multi-national corporations" were ordinary Joes and their pension funds - You have no idea whatsoever of the spread of shot and exactly how wide the effect of following your plan would go.

Some questions for you Bobert:

1. Who do people borrow from if all the Banks have been allowed to go under??

2. If the Stock Market has gone down the tubes and companies have been wiped out. Who invests in what to generate capitial, wealth and jobs??

3. You are not prepared to help companies that employ 1 in 10 of every person in the USA - You and the rest of the chattering left often talk of decimation, yet here you are actually advocating it. Fine let them go to the wall, 10% unemployment - how's Obama going to pay for that?? And that's only those directly employed the spread of those affected goes much wider than that.

In this as with with many other topics Bobert you are a complete and utter chump, completely lacking in imagination and logic, who cannot see further than the nose on his own face.