The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2508151
Posted By: Don Firth
04-Dec-08 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Yeah, Barbara quite often makes soup with fresh vegetables. She makes substantial quantities, so we wind up eating away at it, with various additions, for a couple of days. Great assist on the days when we're working and come home hungry, but too tired to make a major production of fixing dinner.

I've never eaten biscuits and gravy, but when I was in a restaurant in north central Kansas one morning, I saw someone else woofing down a large plate of glop. I asked Barbara, who is more familiar with the plains states than I am, what he was ingesting. "Biscuits and gravy," she informed me, with a slight wrinkling of the nose. I noted that the plate was swimming in grease. Just looking at it made me feel a bit queasy, so I took a sip of coffee and turned my attention back to my scrambled eggs and toast.

I was introduced to grits once when I was in Denver. I once heard someone describe grits as "French fried moth balls." I drew the line at the dish of boiled okra!

Rummaging for lunch today, I was wrong about the tortilla chips. But we did have some very nice sourdough bread, so I toasted a couple of slices and slathered them with guacamole. Delicious!

Don Firth