The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114650   Message #2508620
Posted By: Riginslinger
05-Dec-08 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Bailout
Subject: RE: BS: The Bailout
"Well, riggie, let's see if I can answer your questions. First off, where the hell did the term "legacy costs" come from?"

                Actually, Mick, I don't disagree with anything you say in the posts above, but I think I first heard of the term "legacy costs" in reference to the airlines when they began to run into trouble after deregulation.
                What we've seen there is cut-rate airlines like Southwest and Jet-Blue come in with substantially reduced rates. But they also have a "newer" work force simply because the companies are younger. When they first start out, they wouldn't have any pensioners at all, unless somebody got hurt on the job, maybe.
                If the car companies are successful in getting loans from the government, the first thing that needs to be controlled is management salaries--I certainly agree with that--but in the overall scheme of things, that isn't enough money to do much of anything with.
                If Hillary's health care program could have gotten off the ground 15 years ago, just thing how much American companies could have save since then, in medical costs.
                Getting back to Detroit, though, I don't see how the Big Three are going to make cost effective small cars if the United Auto Workers aren't included in the restructuring.