The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58708   Message #2508649
Posted By: Lighter
05-Dec-08 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blonde Jokes
Subject: RE: BS: Blonde Jokes
Maybe these were on an earlier thread. I heard them on the Fox News Channel yesterday, told (mostly) by a blonde lawyer and a blonde news anchor.

"She's so blonde, she thinks General Motors is in the Army." [Note: "Navy" would be more subtle.]

There were several more of the "She's so blonde" variety, but they didn't stick.

"Three blondes were walking in the woods when they found some tracks. The first blonde says, 'Deer tracks.' The second blonde says, 'Elk tracks.' The third blonde says, 'Moose tracks.' Then while they were arguing they got run over by a train!"

From the same source about eight months ago:

"A blonde walks into a department store to buy a TV. She sees one she likes, but the salesman says, "I'm sorry, but we don't sell to blondes here." Naturally she gets angry and says, 'What do you mean you don't sell to blondes? That's an outrage!' But the salesman says, 'I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's store policy and I don't make the rules. We just don't sell to blondes.'

"So she goes home and dyes her hair black, puts on new clothes and giant dark glasses. Then she goes back to the store, finds a different salesman and says, 'I'd like to buy this TV please.'

"The salesman says, 'I'm sorry, but we don't sell to blondes.' She says, 'I beg your pardon, but what makes you think I'm a blonde?'

'The salesman looks at her with her black hair and giant dark glasses and says, 'Because that's a microwave oven.'"

(You can tell blonde jokes even if you're blonde! Just change 'em to "redhead" jokes, "male chauvinist" jokes, or, as was the fashion when I was in grade school, "little moron" jokes. Let there be no bounds to the funsmith's art!)