The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116607   Message #2509509
Posted By: mouldy
07-Dec-08 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-Cluttering De-Cember
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering De-Cember
I'm contemplating getting the tree up earlier than ever - mainly because I got help last week to get decs etc out of the loft, and it's all just lowering at me in its boxes and such from the corner of the living room!
Also, Eleanor's baby is due in 4 days, so things could get a bit chaotic shortly!

Not having got the last bedroom sorted for Christmas, the stuff that's lying around downstairs (mainly crafty bits) can go up there till the new year, when I intend a full-on cull! Well I want to lose a work table to make more room for bedroom usage, and so some will have to go.

I have to ice a big Christmas cake for my son in law, and that will clear up some space in the kitchen too. I've nearly finished the card writing, so they will be out of the way soon too.
