The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2510300
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
08-Dec-08 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
'You're not a traditionalist at heart are you WLD?'

That is at the very kernel of the problem. Personally I think eclecticism can be taken too far when examining the parameters of nuts in folk music.

Take the Nutting Girl who went nutting down in Kent. Theres nothing in the song which denotes the type of nuts - they may have been hazel nuts, roast chestnuts, pickled Wallnuts, maron glace, beech nuts...

I always interpret when the dramatic moment arrives and 'she throws her nuts away' as a statement about working class people rejecting the bourgeois values of wealthy classes with their hands always in the Sainsbury's giant pack of salted cashews - but perhaps this is fanciful.

Even if you disagree and think the nuts in question were dry roasted, I believe there is room for all sorts of nuts in folk music.

I take your point about Brazil nuts being okay in a jazz club. It goes with that stan getz/Astrid Gilberto vibe - bossa nova, boys from Ipanema thing.