The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116727   Message #2510345
Posted By: Joybell
08-Dec-08 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
Subject: Index: Weep Some More, My Lady (Sigmund Spaeth)
Spaeth's method of indexing is idiosyncratic to say the least. I'm submitting his index, as I did the other one, as he wrote it.

Weep Some More My Lady.
Sigmund Spaeth. Doubleday, Page and Company. 1927. New York.

Advertisment for a Wife
Ah There! Stay There!
All Around the World, I've Been
All That Glitters is Not Gold
Alsatian Mountains, By the Blue
Always in the Way
Always Keep a Smile for Mother
Amber Lee
Anacreon in Heaven, To
Arabella, Oh
Arm Chair, The
As Through the Park I Go
Awfully Clever
Baby, For Sale - A
Baby Mine
Bacon and Greens
Ball, Lanigan's
Baltimore, Belle of
Barefoot, Little
Bashful Young Lady, The
Be Home Early Tonight, My Dear Boy
Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home
Beach at Brighton, On the
Beach at Cape May, On the
Beautiful Blue Bells
Beer, Bitter
Behind the Times, Just
Bell Goes A-ringing for Sai-rah, The
Belle at the Bar, Jessie, the
Belle of Baltimore
Benwell, The Murder of F. C.
Best Thing in Life, The
Bibo Went Down to the Regions Below, When
Billy Vite and Molly Green
Bitter Beer
Black Sheep, The
Blake, Jim
Blot Out the Past, If I Could Only
Blue Bells, Beautiful
Blue-Eyed Ellen, or The Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley
Blue Juniata
Bold Militiaman
Bow-Wow, Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a
Bridge of Sighs
Bright-Eyed, Little Nell of Narragansett Bay
Bright Eyes, Little, Will You Miss me
Broadway, Opera and Bowery Crawl, The
Broadway Swell and Brooklyn Belle, The
Broadway Swell, De Dandy
Broken Home, The
Brown, Julius Cornelius Augustus Pompelius Fredericus Plantaganet
Buffalo Gals
Buy My Roses
By the Blue Alsatian Mountains
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
Cards, A Pack of
Charlotte, Young
Charming Young Widow, The
Chickaleary Cove, The
Child of the Railroad Engineer, The
City Where Nobody Cares, In the
Clever Woman, The
Coal Black Rose
Come, Emily
Come, Let Us Ramble
Cork Leg, The
Cuckoo Clock that Hangs upon the Wall, The Old
Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-Wow
Daddy's on the Engine
Dale, Lily
Dancing Mad, I'm
De Bon Bon, Pierre
De Dandy Broadway Swell
Dine, Lubly
Do They Miss Me at Home?
Do They Think of Me at Home?
Dodd, Tommy
Dollar, My Last Old
Don't Let It Happen Again
Don't Tease the Old Man
Don't You Go, Tommy
Don't Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve
Down in a Coal Mine
Dream of the Miner's Child, The
Driven from Home
Drunkard's Dream, The
Drunkard's Lone Child, The
Dugan, Little Johnny
Dying Hobo, The
Emeleen, Roguish Little Beauty
Emily, Come
Emma!, Whoa
Engine, Daddy's on the
Engineer, The Child of the Railroad
Esau, I Saw
Fallen by the Wayside
Fatal Rose of Red, The
Father Was Killed by the Pinkerton Men
Footsteps, Little
For Old Time's Sake
For Sale -- a Baby
Gallant 69th, The
Genteel, Shabby
Girl in the Blue Velvet Band, The
Good-bye at the Door, The
Grandmother, My
Grimes, Old
Heart on Your Sleeve, Don't Wear Your
Heidsieck, Sparkling Piper
Hello, Central, Give Me Heaven
Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
Hobo Blues, The
Hobo, The Dying
Hobo's Lament, The
Home, The Broken
House of Too Much Trouble, The
I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard
I Love You
I Saw Esau
If I Could Only Blot Out the Past
I'm Dancing Mad
In a Jersey City
In the City Where Nobody Cares
Inez Rovina
Irish Jubilee, The
Is Life Worth Living?
I've Been All Around the World
Jersey City, In
Jessie, the Belle at the Bar
Jest Talkin'!
Jim Along Josey
Jim Blake
Jockey Hat and Feather
Johnny Get Your Gun
Johnson, Nicodemus
Jones, Wild Bill
Josey, Jim Along
Jubilee, The Irish
Juliana and Her Grand Piana
Julius Cornelius Augustus Pompelius Fredericus Plantaganet Brown
Juniata, The Blue
Just as the Sun Went Down
Just Behind the Times
Just One Girl
Kingdom Coming
Kiss Me Quick and Go
Kissing on the Sly
Lanigan's Ball
Leave Me if You Wish, Now Go and
Let Me Say My Little Prayer
Letter Edged in Black, The
Letter in the Candle, The
Letter that Never Came, The
Life, The Best Thing in
Life Worth Living?, Is
Lily Dale
Little Barefoot
Little Bright Eyes, Will You Miss Me?
Little Bunch of Whiskers on His Chin, The
Little Footsteps
Little Johnny Dugan
Little Rosewood Casket, The
Lord Mayor's Show, The
Lou'siana Belle
Love Among the Roses
Love Is the Theme
Love Letters
Loved Ones at Home, Be Kind to the
Lubly Dine
Lulu Is Our Darling Pride
Maria, My
Merry Swiss Girl, The
Militiaman, The Bold
Miner's Child, The Dream of the
Moet and Shandon for Me
Molly Green, Billy Vite and
Morning, Oh, in the
Motto for All, A
Murder of F. C. Benwell, The
My Grandmother
My Last Old Dollar
My Maria
Nell and I
Nell of Narragansett Bay, Bright-Eyed Little
Nicodemus Johnson
Nobody's Child
Nobody's Darling
Nobody's Darling, They Say I Am
Now Go and Leave Me if You Wish
Oh, Arabella
Oh, in the Morning
Oh! Why Do You Tease us?
Old Cuckoo Clock that Hangs upon the Wall, The
Old Grimes
Old Time's Sake, For
On the Beach at Brighton
On the Beach at Cape May
Oysters and Wine at 2 A. M.
Pack of Cards, A
Par Excellence
Pardon Came too Late, The
Park I Go, As Through the
Pebble on the Beach, You're Not the Only
Pharisee and Sadducee
Picture that Was Drawn upon the Floor, The
Pierre De Bon Bon
Pinkerton Men, Father Was Killed by the
Play in Your Yard, I Don't Want to
Play with Me?, Why Don't They
Polka, See Me Dance the
Prayer, Let Me Say My Little
Pulling Hard Against the Stream
Put My Little Shoes Away
Railroad Chorus
Ramble, Come Let Us
Rich Country Girl and the Wicked City Chap, The
Riding in a Street Car
Roguish Little Beauty, Emeleen
Rose, Coal Black
Rose of Red, The Fatal
Roses, Buy Me
Roses, Love Among the
Rosewood Casket, The Little
Rover, The Wild
Rovina, Inez
Sadducee, Pharisee and
Sai-rah, The Bell Goes A-Ringing for
See Me Dance the Polka
Shabby Genteel
Ship, The Black
Ship that Never Returned, The
Shoes Away, Put My Little
Show, The Lord Mayor's
Sixty-ninth, The Gallant
Slavery Days
Smile for Mother, Always Keep a
Soda and B_____
Somebody's Child
Sparking on a Sunday Night
Sparkling Piper Heidsieck
Starry Night for a Ramble, A
Street Car, Riding in a
Swiss Girl, The Merry
Tassels on the Boots
Taxation of America
Texan Rangers, War Song of the
They Say I Am Nobody's Darling
This Wedding Ring of Mine
Those Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out
To Anacreon in Heaven
Tommy Dodd
Tommy, Don't You Go
Too Late
Train that Never Returned, The
Trouble, The House of Too Much
War Song of the Texan Rangers
Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out, Those
Wedding Ring of Mine, This
When Bibo Went Down to the Regions Below
Where Was Moses When the Light Went Out?
Whiskers, Five a Bag
Whoa, Emma!
Why Don't The Play With Me?
Wicked City Chap, The Rich Country Girl and the
Widow, The Charming Young
Wife, Advertisement for a
Wild Bill Jones
Wild Rover, The
Willie the Weeper
Willie, We Have Missed You
Wine at 2 A. M., Oysters and
Won't You Come Along?
Young Charlotte
You're Not the Only Pebble on the Beach.

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