The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115010   Message #2511664
Posted By: GUEST,MXG
10-Dec-08 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Silly Secret Santee teaser 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Secret Santee teaser 2008
Well, Lady Mary..

The Elvi have left the building.

You should find something in your mailbox sometime in the near future. Hopefully, you'll find the selection of goodies to your taste and liking. I fought tooth and claw with an old biddy to get hold of xxx for you, and paid through the nose to acquire zzz. Oh well, you'll see for yourself soon enough, I suppose. Christmas is only a couple of weeks away.

Merry Yule-tide, dear Lady, to both you and your Missie,