The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2512119
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
10-Dec-08 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Before this thread settles in for a long winter's night, I'd just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Whatever the season means, or doesn't mean to you, I hope that you find joy in these days amidst all of the endless distractions. Think little.

A couple of days ago, I was driving over to my Doctor's office for an appointment. As I was passing a cemetery, I noticed a bearded man all bundled up to ward off the bitter cold. He was pushing a shopping cart, and had several plastic bags tied along the sides. It looked like he was walking along the road hoping to find a discarded soda can or two that he could turn in for the nickel deposit. He was having difficulty walking, with one hip hiked up, dragging one leg
after his good leg. He was making slow progress, and he had to stop every few steps to catch his breath. When I'd passed him, I pulled over to the side of the road and turned around, heading back to where he was struggling along. He'd barely made it ten feet, and the wind was whipping across the cemetery.

I parked my car, and hopped out (How blessed it is to be able to hop out of a car, let alone own one on such a cold day.) I walked up to him from behind and called out to him, "Excuse me!" When he turned around to face me, I was shocked. He was dressed so raggedy and he had a full gray beard, but his face was youthful. I reached out my hand to him, holding a folded ten dollar bill, and handed it to him.
"Merry Christmas," I said. At first he looked confused, not comprehending what I was doing. He took the bill without looking at it, and held his arm out to me. I took it, and looked him in the eye and said, "God bless you!" He never said a mumbling word.

Sometimes you just have to follow your heart. In here, people can get all wound up if you say "God bless you!" They want to start a fight. I'm not telling people what to believe, or judging them. I am just speaking from my heart, out of love. There's precious little love in this world that it should be rejected so readily.

As I was walking back to my car I thought, "That could be Jesus." He said that what we do for the least of people we do for him. Maybe that's why I was so moved.

I post this understanding that this site has some deep-seated antagonism toward Christianity. I'm, not bothered by that. We all should feel free to express what we think and feel without being judged. Even Christians.

All we need is love.

Have a wonderful holiday season...
