The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115584   Message #2512135
Posted By: Lanfranc
10-Dec-08 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Remember Colin Scot?
Subject: RE: Remember Colin Scot?
I first booked Scotty sometime around 1966 when I was a resident at a Folk Club in Clacton, Essex. When I moved up to London in 1968, he was a fixture on the Troubadour/Les Cousins circuit and I got to know him quite well. We shared several songs in our repertoires, and he once embargoed me (in a friendly way) from singing Harvey's "Hey Sandy" until his album came out, although I recall that I had learned it first! This probably arose because at that first gig in Clacton, I sang my usual three-song intro set including "Four Strong Winds" and a Dylan song. While the next singer was performing, I was buttonholed by David Bilk, Scotty's agent who was with him at the gig, and chastised for singing half of Scotty's first set! I had never heard Scotty at that stage, and told him so, but I don't think he believed me.

Anyway, as neither of us wrote much, if anything, in the way of our own songs, we continued to mine the same sources for material. When we played at the same gigs, I would often check to ensure that there wouldn't be any sources of embarrassment. Perhaps that's why people took to writing their own songs!

When he left the UK (pursued, I understood, by the Inland Revenue), he kept in touch with a number of his old friends, including Allan Taylor and Derek Brimstone, who would visit him in Amsterdam.

I have fond memories of him, and I know several ladies of a certain age who have even fonder recollections! He was a good singer and a better entertainer, and I remember his Donald Duck impression (allegedly from his time working in Disneyland) and the "Secret Love" parody alluded to above:

"Once I had a secret love
She wore a nylon negligee.
When our night of love was through
She said I wouldn't have to pay.
When I asked her why this should be,
She said 'Sealy bedding sponsors me,
Last night we were on channel three'
And my secret love's no secret any more!"

Which I still use from time to time, substituting "Dunlopillo" for "Sealy bedding", but attributing it to Scotty.

For further information, just Google "Colin Scot", there's a surprising amount there, including the reissue of his first album on CD for around £40! I have the original vinyl in good condition - I wonder how much that would be worth? The next time "antiques Roadshow" are passing, perhaps .....?

Happy days!
