The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95925   Message #2512329
Posted By: Genie
11-Dec-08 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: German songs for singaround
Subject: RE: German songs for singaround
alanabit: "'I have met very few Germans, who know 'The Sound of Music.'"

Actually, my understanding is that it is Austrians, not Germans, who have sort of 'adopted' Edelweiss and translated it into German.    I have seen the German version but don't have it handy at the moment.

Re the question of the Nazis co-opting old German folk songs, I've wondered for some time now about the similarity of the tune for "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" to that of "Die Lorelei." Is that coincidental, or did the Nazis deliberately sort of 'borrow' that old German folk tune and just change it slightly for their Hitler Youth theme?