The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2512343
Posted By: Will Fly
11-Dec-08 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
Hi Ian - interesting perspective on the clubs. I must admit I was a little surprised by:

I've attended clubs in three parts of England as I've moved around, and found a common almost standard elite of bottom rung middle classes doing the same standard thing of endorsing thier chums and discouraging anyone who obviously didn't go to Teacher Training college.

Not surprised by your view of the class pertaining to some clubs, but by the "discouraging anyone who obviously didn't go to Teacher Training college" bit. I can't say that I've ever seen that particular attitude in any club I've been to, and certainly not in the sessions or singarounds I've attended. The hardest bit has often been to persuade younger or shyer or more inexperienced performers - or newcomers to the event - to get up and do a bit. To be honest, apart from immediate friends, I wouldn't know - or care - whether fellow performers had been to Teacher Training College (though I don't think such things exist now - they're all part of universities) or to prison.

Is there really a correlation between a club being welcoming or not, and the social makeup of its members? I've been in clubs with many different standards - some great, some crap - but not ever found one that was positively unwelcoming to a stranger. The usual comment I've had when I've done a spot has been, "Great to see you - do come again." (But we can't all be folk stars, can we... I'll get me coat!)

As for pub open mics - well, they really are a mixed bag, and I've certainly encountered the "do my spot and talk over the other spots" syndrome - but that's public bars for you. Take 'em or leave 'em.