The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116869   Message #2512601
Posted By: olddude
11-Dec-08 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Taxi (Harry Chapin)
Subject: RE: Review: Harry Chapin - Taxi
Harry said that when everyone else thinks your songs suck, embrace the suckage ... he made a T-shirt that read "Harry it Sucks"
he would laugh and laugh and say, that way my friend ... no one has to tell me that anymore. See I already know ... and then laugh

One time he was playing in a bowling alley of all places. people were making so much noise nobody was listening.. Then it got really quiet. Harry thought, wow .. I think they are getting into one of my songs ... then he realized, some timer thing on the wall was ready to change to the number 69 ... then everyone broke out with the cheers ... and beer ... he laughed Oh well

Goes to show even the greatest had their bad gigs ... he got into his music after he said "I made and ass of of myself trying to be a photographer"

Harry always laughed ... and always worried about other people who needed help. He would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more.   Everyone was his friend. He didn't care if you were rich , poor, swept floors or was a movie star.

His love for others was an example that we all should follow