The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116869   Message #2512613
Posted By: catspaw49
11-Dec-08 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Taxi (Harry Chapin)
Subject: RE: Review: Harry Chapin - Taxi
I've told this before but its worth the retelling. Harry gave us lots of great songs and song lyrics and I felt a certain "kinship" with him as he tended to say things in ways that I wished I had. One song, "Cat's Cradle" took on a special meaning much later in my life.

I was 43 when we adopted Tristan and 44 with Michael. When Karen and I decided I should quit and become a fulltime Dad and househusband it was a tough decision. I wrote my resignation letter to the staid and conservative Fortune 500 I was with saying, "I don't want my life of that of my sons' to wind up like a Harry Chapin song lyric."

LOL......I got to thinking about that after I wrote it and realized that not one swinging dick in the entire organization had any idea who Harry Chapin was! The fact they had no idea of what I was talking about made the decision to resign infinitely easier.
