The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116859   Message #2512766
Posted By: Mr Red
11-Dec-08 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: Mondegreens' cousins: Soramimis
Subject: RE: Mondegreens' cousins: Soramimis
We had some visitors from Hungary or Poland at the Somers TFC (Fri, Albion, Worcester) and they sang folk songs.

One, sung by a lass who did not speak English much, had a chorus "Dick, Dick, Dick, Dick" and she was amused by the enthusiam of the audience until her friend tried to point out the situation, not an easy task from behind while in full song.

False Friends (faux amis) are worse because you think you know and are more cocky with it. eg pardon in English & French.