The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22924   Message #251308
Posted By: Devon Smudge
03-Jul-00 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: With his little 'Ha, ha, ha!'
Subject: With his little 'Ha, ha, ha!'
Mad query from a new Mudcapper!

Many years ago, (circa 1970's) I took part in a grat song weekend at Broadstone Warren, Nr. Forest Row, Sussex. There was a group there called "Puffin' Billy?" and they came out with a really comical song about a fella with his little "Ha, ha, ha" (Might have been "La,de, dah" Bit naughty, but harmless and quite OK to sing in mixed company! Each verse ended with ..... with his little "Ha, ha, ha,". It had a comical ending I think, about needing an odd shaped grave when he died, but the memory is vague ... like this query!

Would love to know if the group is still going, or if anyone might have come across this ditty, preferably words and tune.

Honest! It was a real sonG!