The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116869   Message #2513269
Posted By: CamiSu
12-Dec-08 - 01:35 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Taxi (Harry Chapin)
Subject: RE: Review: Harry Chapin - Taxi
Actually TJ it was a Rabbit, but mostly he drove a beater station wagon (5 kids--remember?) when he drove--which he shouldn't have much. He just didn't pay as much attention to some esentials as he should have. (Ironically the accident that killed him was not due to his driving, but a car malfunction) He drove me into the city once when I'd missed the train, and it was a rather scary drive. My younger brothers, as teenagers drove for him when he didn't have a license.

His phone # was listed in the book. He was kind to everyone. He respected my dad, who was as conservative as Harry was liberal and my dad respected Harry.

He taught me Cat's in the Cradle and Shooting Star before they came out, and he taught me Shooting Star as he wrote it, not as the record execs made him record it.

It was about 7 years after he died that I could listen to his music again. It was too painful before that.

What a great man.
