The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116474   Message #2513559
Posted By: catspaw49
12-Dec-08 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout cum Talkabout
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout cum Talkabout
The essential element of the happy agnostic is the wonderment of NOT knowing and being satisfied if that is forever the case. Should a definite proof source for "no god" show up or if he one day popped up out of the pea patch, that would be just fine. But if neither happens its okay with me. Many theists and atheists alike seem determined that my happiness can only be complete by whichever they support. Reality is sorta' like the Gordon Liddy story........

Remember Gordon Liddy? One of Nixon's minions of Watergate fame? Liddy did this thing to prove his machismo to those he would employ by holding his hand over a candle flame until the flesh burned and charred. Someone once asked him what the trick was. Liddy replied, "The trick is not minding."

I don't "KNOW." I don't mind.
