The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116474   Message #2514123
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
13-Dec-08 - 04:21 AM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout cum Talkabout
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout cum Talkabout
Of course, there is no-one currently on this planet who can say for sure whether or not there is an "afterlife" and those who are adamant one way or the other are deluded liars. My overriding concern is, however unlikely I believe it to be, if there should turn out to be one, that it operates on the strict principles of apartheid with WAV & madlizziecornish in one sector and me in the other.

Meanwhile, here we are in this snapshot of time in a miniscule backwater of the universe far too insignificant for any, almost certainly mythical, supreme being to be arsed about how it's getting screwed up by wilfully ignorant, self-obsessed, po-faced, tedious, pompous prats.

It's by far the more pragmatic option to take it that our short spans here is all there is. It falls thus to some to de-dross the planet and its fora. Henry Hoovers out, chaps.

If there were any god (however busy), he / she / it would surely have proscribed the sanctimonious Daily Mail and all the anti-intellectual, middle-England, moronic mediocrity it encapsulates. Small wonder that its readership harbours such ludicrous notions of what English culture is.