The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117005   Message #2516669
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
16-Dec-08 - 07:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Define 'art'
Subject: RE: BS: Define 'art'
Back in 1987 I made the biggest stone circle in Britain, assuming the points of any triangle can exist on the circumference of a circle. I took three stones from a beach in Northumbria, deposited one at Lands End, one at Margate, and one at Cape Wrath. This was a deeply personal sculptural project defined by the limits of my personal Vagabondia at the time and I would imagine most art operates on a similar level in terms of a creative interface between self & other on whatever level of ceremonial experience. Now I realise I could make a bigger one by placing three such stones on my coffee table, but it seemed important at the time.

Some ten years earlier, I was interviewed by a young journalist who enquired why I did the sort of music I did (which back then was free improvised noise making where anything was admissible as music) to which I answered to express my emotions (I was only 17 at the time). However, when the piece came out she'd misread her own journalistic shorthand and wrote to experience my emotions. After a period of righteous outrage at being misquoted, I realised that this was closer to the truth - that I played music to experience rather than to express. This still holds true today; from traditional ballad singing, to free improvisation, to field-recorded environmental sound-scapes, to whatever else I might do in the name of music.

As Camus said (as quoted on the back of Scott 4): A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.

Define 'art'? I'd rather say art defines us.