The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2517048
Posted By: Ebbie
16-Dec-08 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
To add to the mix: The indigenous peoples of Alaska also differ greatly; they have different languages, diets, different facial and bodily characteristics, different histories, myths and religions,   even different climates.

To name a few of them: the Aleuts, the Yup'ik, the Inuit, the Tsimpshian, the Tlingits, the Haida. That isn't all of them, either.

And that's not to list the many moities, tribes and clans within them.

I can't imagine how one could possibly lump all the indigenous peoples in the USA into one pot.