The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2517155
Posted By: Big Mick
16-Dec-08 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
As an Irish-American, raised with pride on the songs and stories, and from a decidely Irish Republican family, I have never found speaking of English culture to be racist. Only when the English try to impose it on others does it become racist. And that would be the same for the Europeans, and their descendants in this country that tried to impose their culture on the Native Peoples of this land. Same would hold true for the Japanese and their attempts to impose their culture on the Chinese and Koreans. In other words, culture is something to enjoy, and revel in the parts of it that lend unique customs. But when it is used as an implement to destroy another's culture, it is a wicked thing, indeed.

In the USA, the culture of the Motherland was usually held onto with passion by those for whom it was a safe place. The Irish Catholic, upon entry into the land of hopes and dreams, was often met with discrimination in housing, employment, and marriage opportunities. So they sought refuge among one another, and by holding onto customs. The African descended peoples, brought in slave ships, did the same. Over the years, these customs got watered down, or evolved, but the cultural identity remained.

It is about identity in the end. When living in a land of immigrants, that tie to something that makes you unique, and gives you worth, that is where it becomes important. Look for what you have in common, and celebrate that which is different.

All the best,
