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Thread #116727   Message #2517384
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
16-Dec-08 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
Subject: Index: Allan's Lone Star Ballads
Google Books - limited preview available Dec 2008

A Collection of Southern Patriotic Songs
Made During Confederate Times.

Compiled and Revised by Francis D. Allan
Burt Franklin NY 1874, reprinted 1970.

A Confederate Officer to His Lady Love
A Life on the Vicksburg Hills
All Quiet along the Potomac Tonight
The Old Texian's Appeal
Arise! Ye Sons of Free-born Sires
At Galveston, Texas
Awake to Arms! in Texas
The Black Flag
Banks Skedaddle
Bayou City Guards' Dixie
Bayou City Guards Song in the Chickahominy Swamp
Baylor's Partisan Rangers
Bonnie Blue Flag, The
Boys, Keep Your Powder Dry
Brass-Mounted Army, The
Campaign Ballad
Captain with His Whiskers, The
Chivalrous C. S. A.
Confederate Oath, The
Countersign, The
Conquered Banner, The
Darlings at Home, The
Davis Guards, To the
De Cotton down in Dixie
Do They Miss Me in the Trenches
Duty and Defiance
Dying Soldier Boy, The
Few Days
Fifth Texas Regiment, Song of the
Flag of the Southland
Fold it Up Carefully
Fort Pillow, At
Fourth Texas Cavalry, the Capture of 17 of Co. H
Galveston, Battle of
Galveston, Bomb, and Battles of
Galveston, Burial of Tough Beef
Galveston, The Horse-Marines at
Galveston, Recapture of
Gay and Happy
God Bless Our Southern Land
Green, General Tom
Green, Major-General Tom, to the Beloved Memory of
Hard Times
Here's Your Mule
Hood's Old Brigade
Hood's Texas Brigade
Hour Before Execution, The
I'm Going Home to Dixie
I'm Thinking of the Soldier
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Gen.
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Death of
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Funeral of
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Grave of
Johnston's Name, To
Joseph Bowers
Ladies to the Hospital
Lee at the Wilderness
Lee at Battle of the Wilderness
Leave it, Ah, No- The Land is our Own
Lone Star Banner of the Free
Lone Star Flag
Lone Texas Star, The
Lubbock, Col. Thos. S. To the Memory of
Magruder, Johnny B.
Magruder, Maj. Gen., Acrostic on
Magruder, To the War-Chief
Mansfield Run
Maryland, My Maryland
Martyr of Alexandria, The
Martyrs of Texas, The
McCullough, Ben. He Fell at his Post
Missouri: A Voice from the South
Morgan's War Song
Mother, is the Battle Over?
My Noble Warrior, Come
My Southern Land
Navasota Volunteers, The
Niblett's Bluff, The Icy Road to
Officers of Dixie, The
Officer's Funeral, The
O He's Nothing but a Soldier
O Here's to the Soldier so Gay
Old Jim Ford
O No, He'll not need them again
On to the Battle
Ostermann, Mrs. Rosanna
Our Boys are Gone
Our Glorious Flag
Over the (Mississippi) River
Over the River
Pass Cavallo, Soldier's Song of
Price's (Gen.) Appeal
Private Maguire
Ranger's Farewell, The
Ranger's Lay
Rangers, Song of the Texas
Rangers, The Frontier
Ranger, The Texas
Rangers, The Texas
Rebel Prisoner, The
Rebel Toasts; or Drink it Down
Richmond on the James, or the Dying
   Texas Soldier Boy
Rum Raid at Velasco, The
Run, Yanks, or Die
Sabine Pass
Sabine Pass Fight, True Irish Valor
Santa Fé Volunteer, The
Second Texians, The Gallant
Sentinel's Dream of Home, The
Seventh Regt. Texas Cavalry, Comp. A
Sherman, Lt. Sidney A., In Memoriam
Shiloh, The Drummer Boy of
Shiloh Hill, The Battle of
Short Rations; or the Corn-fed Army
Soldier's Amen
Soldier's Death
Soldier's Dear Old Home, The
Soldier's Farewell, The
Soldier's Lament
Soldier's Suit of Gray
Soldier's Sweet Home, The
Song of the "Bloody Seven" at Camp Chase, Ohio
Southern Captive, The
Southern Flag, The
Southern Girl's Homespun Dress
Southern Marseillaise
Southern Sentiment
Southern Wagon, The
Southrons, Hear Your Country Call You
Southron's Chant of Defiance
Stonewall Jackson's Way
Sweethearts and the War
Take Me Home; or, The Sunny South
Terry, Col. B. F.
Terry, Col. B. F. In Memoriam
Terry, To Captain Dave
Terry's texas Rangers
Texas and Virginia
Texas Land
Texas Marseillaise
Texas Sentinel in Virginia
Texas Soldier Boy, The
Texians to Arms
Texian Appeal, The
Texians, To Your Banners Fly
That Bugler; or the Up-i-dee Song
The Expected Texas Invasion
The Girl I left Behind Me
The South; or I Love Thee More
The Yankee Joke in Texas
There's Life in the Old Land Yet
Thornton, Maj. W. L., Monody on
Three Cheers for Our Jack Morgan
'Tis Midnight in the Southern Sky
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
True to the Gray
Twentieth Regiment, Co. K
Vicksburg, Bombardment of
Volunteer; or it is My Country's Call
War-Shirkers, The
Wearing of the Gray
We Know that We Were Rebels
We Left Him on the Field
When this Cruel War is Over
When Will the War be Over?
Where Are You Going, Abe Lincoln?
Who Will Care for Mother Now?
Woman's Prayer
Yankee President, The
Young Dodger vs. Old Croaker

Google Books - limited preview available Dec 2008