The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2517911
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
17-Dec-08 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Sigh right back at ya.

Bill, our country is based on freedoms. Read the first ammendment to the Consititution. We do NOT have an official language and we should never attempt to. 82% of our country speaks English, and based on the last census, the number jumps up to 92% of those who can at least understand English - even if it is not their primary language.

Use as much TV examples and rhetoric as you like, but your answer to solving the issue is not the appropriate response. If you try to change our national identity by restricting language - and make no mistake, that is what it does - then you are undermining our freedoms.

Understanding and learning a language are two different aspects.   While you may have a problem with strong accents, the answer is not that everyone needs to speak in your native tongue.   Going back to your example, you were helped by the woman in the supermarket but you seem to ignore that simply because you could not understand her words. She did her job, she helped you.

I understand that you care, but you need to step back and look at what you are asking for.