The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2518113
Posted By: Bill D
17-Dec-08 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
"If you think that the so-called "problem" of additional languages in our country is new, then you need to recheck your history."

I did.... when the country was new, we had only a few languages, and not NEARLY so much interaction. Folks with common cultures could have almost independent communities..(and a few still do)..but now, in urban areas, they are going to the same dry cleaners and disputing over repairs.

**Changes in demographics need changes in attitudes and behavior.**

" ...I am steadfast in my belief that your suggestion of an offical language for our country is the wrong direction" ....again...I didn't formally suggest it. I said it 'might' help.... I AM sure a common language, as Lizzie Cornish notes, would help...if it was voluntary instead of manditory, that's even better. do we get there?

(In Germany, they have a number of dialects...but everyone is more or less expected to be able to switch to "Die Umgangsprache" (the standard 'formal' language used on the evening TV news) when traveling.) Now, even Germany has many immigrants who are slow to adapt....and Germany is having many problems similar to ours.

Japan is a bit different....they do not appreciate dilution of their culture in many areas, and restrictions are apparent. One can debate how well it works.