The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2518145
Posted By: Bill D
17-Dec-08 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
"Where is it written that English has to be the official language of this country? This is only
because of the tyranny of the first immigrants dictating their linguistic policy...."

Not exactly, Frank....sure, we late-comers have indeed been less than courteous to the Native Americans, and of course those who gained 'power' back then worked to make THEIR language/culture the dominant one. Isn't the history of the world like that?

Still, as the world grows 'smaller' and communication between disparate groups is more common, the need for SOME common language(s) becomes more evident. For many reasons,(experts can tell you in detail) English has become one of the 3-4 languages used for most international commerce. (Because it borrowed so heavily from other languages, it became one of the more flexible and powerful ones.)(It is also the one understood, at least minimally, by more OTHER groups).

But all that is only partly relevant to what should happen here....In any country, their culture is expressed partly BY their language, and coping with lots of other languages is a problem...except where intermixing of populations in a smaller area has gone on for generations and folks speak 2-3 languages from childhood.

Here in the US, many, for example in rural areas, don't deal with other cultures at all, and can go most of their lives without needing a 2nd language. I took German...but I have seldom 'needed' it. Yes, knowing more Spanish might now be a real advantage...and I would encourage more folks to learn some Spanish..... but that should not mean that immigrants from the South don't need to learn English!

As a fact of history, English IS the standard language here, and the 2nd language in much of the rest of the world...and as folks strive to preserve and appreciate their heritage (to note the original question), they also need to remember that they have chosen to alter their heritage and that of their children, and responsibilities come with that.