The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2519115
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
18-Dec-08 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
"But the suburban ghetto engenders more beauty in terms of culture as any pretty little English village which priced out the original villagers years ago."

That is such crap. Both have our culture running through them.

England is not *just* surburban is a mixture of ALL things.

How many rubbish dumps have you sat in then? I've sat in quite a few..because my brother, who has severe dyslexia, made his living off them. I've spoken to 'the pikeys' as the real gypsies called them, I've seen not a great deal of culture amongst them. I watched as Leigh took his cookers and his fridges from them, then turned them into working items, which he sold to the 'posh' people, as you'd no doubt call them, in his small Somerset village. They were good people though, kind people, church going people, who attended their beautiful village church, and their village fete. They worked hard to have their May Day festival too, with their May Queen and their Maypole...They too loved England...

Don't give me the class warfare of 'them and us' because there is only 'We'...good or bad. And my brother still, to this day, makes his living from rubbish dumps, and his friends are those who can't write, or read, other men who've been told they were stupid and dull and dim witted by teachers who were so 'intelligent' that they didn't even understand the wonder of the very people they were lambasting. These people who make their living from the land, from your rubbish and mine, but they are people who know instinctively how to build their own houses, and do so...they are so often deeply talented in many, many ways.

And country people work with the seasons, love the seasons, they know a great deal about our culture, our heritage and our history. Geez, thie Inner City, Urban crap really gets up my nose. England is not JUST the inner cities and the ghettos, it is far, far more, and those who try to perpetuate this myth that only the Inner Cities matter and that we should all live our lives as if we lived in an Inner City are talking through their backsides. There is also terrible hardship amongst many out here in the countryside, so I can assure you that it's not only the city people who are hurting.

Hidden Voices - The Story of the English Countryside

Ron, in my opinion, any flag that falls into hands that take it into disrepute, should be taken back from them, so that once more it stands for Good.