The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2519358
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
18-Dec-08 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Sorry to disagree with you lox...but...   :0)

"And likewise, by recognizing that there really are differences between middle and working class moralities, humour, world view, activities etc etc and that different sectors of society have distinct characters to be celebrated and embraced, we promote harmony, and we do not prolong divides."

No, for me, the exact opposite is true. By saying that, you are saying that people are born a certain way, that they are **born** a certain 'class' and will always remain so. People are people. They are not a 'class'.

"What prolongs the divide is the entrenched middle class view that the working class should stop making excuses for its lewd rude uncouthness and take responsibility for itself and develop more social awareness, and the entrenched working class view that the middle class should spend less time giving judgemental, sniffy lectures and develop a sense of humour or f*** off."

No. It is *nothing* to do with damned 'class''s to do with each person deciding to either behave like a selfish, borish twit, or to think of others and decide to be their own person, forge their own way. People have brains, lox, and those brains are fitted with a 'choice' button. It is the choices you make in your life which define you as a person, and nothing else.

"I'm not saying that you fall into this category..."

Thank you, because I fall into NO category, and I do not put others into categories, other than thoughtful people or right pains in the arses.

"...but the class divide will exist as long is middle class people continue to pooh pooh its existence and to blame it on the loutish stubbornness of the working classes themselves who seem proud to live in their own filth."

What the heck *is* a 'middle class person'? In fact, could you define all these classes? There used to be three as I recall from days gone by, Upper, Middle and Working Class. What is each born with, which defines them, apparently for life? Or is it something you *acquire* along the path of life?

I was raised by a man who saw no class, no colour, only people, and he loved people. He was a quiet, very gentle gentleman, courteous, kind and thoughtful. Dad died without a penny to his name, never owned his own house ever, at times couldn't afford to pay his bills, but he poured love into me, and that's what he left me, that was my inheritance. And it is through his eyes that I see the world, as well as through my own.

Segregation, for to me that's what class is about, as much as it is about race, is always bad, always.

Until England let's go of it, we ain't going far, and the whole class issue has been stoked and stirred for decades by those with huge problems on their shoulders. It needs to have the flames put out forever so that a new England can rise from the ashes of bitterness, which have divided it for so very long.