The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2519410
Posted By: Ebbie
18-Dec-08 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
I'd like to see more discussion about classes. In the US we say - and feel - that we are classless (Oh! Stop it!!) but anyone over the age of 10 recognizes there is a dichotomy at work that is not so easily dismissed.

In Juneau, Alaska, we have something that to me is unique. In a town of more than 30,000 people - of all classes *g* - many, many of us are on a first name basis with our mayor and probably with our governor, as well as with any other head of officialdom. (I can't say that is currently true - Sarah Palin doesn't actually live in Juneau and therefore is not seen as frequently.)

But in previous administrations the governor walked to work from the governor's house just 4 blocks away and the chances were very good that he knew daily walkers by name.

I've known the mayor for some years. In official venues he is Mr. Mayor to me but in informal gatherings and on the dance floor he is Bruce.

This is true for practically everyone I know. It is even true for a certain panhandler I know- previous governors were known to him as Tony, Wally and Steve.

To share a story that I was told by a tourist some years back: This man in t-shirt and shorts came to the local house museum where I was the caretaker, docent and manager. While I was serving him tea, he said, I've got to tell someone about this. As it happens I am a lawyer so, as lawyers will do, I wandered into your court building today just to look around. I was standing there when this man in a suit and tie rushed up to me and pointed at this surfing scene on my t-shirt and exclaimed, I've surfed there!

Well, that was neat so we stood there for awhile talking about that marvelous - and little known - place and then the man invited me to come for coffee so we could talk some more. He introduced himself to me; he was Justice Carpeneti from the Alaska Supreme Court! That just boggles my mind. He didn't know I am a lawyer. Look at the clothes I am wearing! This would never happen in my hometown.

OK, so Juneau is different. Which is one of the things I love about this town. We come nearer to being class-free than many a place I have known.

However, the one thing I keep coming to in my mind about class in the US is - I'm not sure I can describe it accurately but I'm going to try.

You know when someone gets elected President of the United States? They may be awed at the honor and grateful to be given the chance to serve- but somehow they all seem to accept that the office is not above them, that somehow the knowldge they could be president some day has always been there.

That's when I know that I'm not upper class- there is no way in hell I could accept such a thing.