The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117039   Message #2519599
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Dec-08 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Thirty foot trailer - meaning?
Subject: RE: Thirty foot trailer - meaning?
"its a shame that more people are interested in traveller and romany songs, than being interested in the way travellers and romanies are still treated"
I agree - especially in the light of what's happening in Ireland, which is now verging on ethnic cleansing.
It is worth remembering that it was MacColl's 'Travelling People' radio ballad which put Travellers as human beings on the map for many of us.
"there is a difference between travellers tinkers and romanies"
Also true, but accentuating the differences rather than stressing the similarities has done a great deal of damage to the Travellers' cause.
Scapegoating 'Tinks' 'mumphers' and 'diddies' and describing them as "not real gypsies" has given rise to a great deal of racism among Travellers and has served to weaken rather than strengthen their position in modern society.
Jim Carroll