The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2519732
Posted By: Stu
19-Dec-08 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Good question Penguin Egg.

I think it's because of events that have happened in my past that have made question my personal identity closely, and I always find the way people latch on to aspects of their heritage and identify them with themselves personally quite fascinating.

For my part, this whole new aspect of my family history answers some questions that come from having a not-too-cohesive family. I never knew we were musicians, artisans or even proper cockneys, let alone associated with one of the biggest migrations of people due to religious persecution in Europe. If you knew me, you would understand why this makes a sort of sense to me.

I do believe in a degree of folk memory or whatever you want to call it. All the DNA of my ancestors is carried in me, and where they came from is important. Wherever they were, I am too and where I am, they are now. I never doubted the Celt in me; it was always there and it felt it was deep within, but the fact my ancestors turned out to be persecuted immigrants has some relevance in modern England, seeing as many who decry immigration in this day and age had their equivalents back in the day.

This doesn't affect certain aspects of who I feel I am, as those were settled back in my childhood, and it doesn't alter my personality (for better or worse) although it might shed some light on my likes and dislikes, but it does make me think about my identity from a nationalistic and ethnic point of view.