The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2520076
Posted By: Bill D
19-Dec-08 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
""I've never heard any White person use such descriptors."

I just remembered...when I was about 12, I was in the local public swimming pool. About 10 ft. away, one boy, (also 'white')pointed at me and said to his friend "Look how white he is!" "Hey, Whitey!"....

I am of Scots/Irish heritage, redheaded...and do NOT tan. I was much whiter than most kids, and it was a 'small' disadvantage. Tanned was good! Since, for those who CAN tan, skin color was to a certain extent adjustable, we heard a lot fewer comments about color. When I entered Jr. High/Intermediate/Middle school...7th grade...we had all colors, shades and cultures, and it never dawned on me to worry about who was what. It 'barely' registered with me that many of the darker kids in my classes lived in highly segregated areas, but within a few years, it made a lot of difference, as the early stirrings of the civil rights movement made the news.
Now skin color was important, as it made you think about who you palled around with...and when.

   Culture was highlighted when a black guy...(a sports star)...was elected Homecoming King at my high school. Everyone liked him...but there was the BIG question!!! Would he follow tradition and kiss the Queen, who was white? He did not...not in 1956.
Then, a girl in my class, who was from India, and fairly dark, was seen...*gasp* ..walking with him and holding hands! SHE was called in by school officials and told that was 'not appropriate'... As she explained it to me later, the walls shook as she told them off! She would durned well walk with whomever she pleased.

   So, as I worked my way thru my teens, color...mine AND others...was thrust upon me. I am aware that it hit some more than others.

Later...maybe 1965 or so, I heard remarks about color BY Blacks about other Blacks during Civil Rights saddened me, but it was none of my business...they had to sort it out.

So? What of all this? People are people, and they WILL notice, decide, discriminate and rank...and the lazy will use easy color. It's better than it was 40 years ago...but wow..........