The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96933   Message #2520112
Posted By: wysiwyg
19-Dec-08 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cooking Spenser & Sophie Style
Subject: RE: BS: Cooking Spenser & Sophie Style
I can't wait to try the fruit squeeze pops (well maybe when the weather is a little warmer - right now warm stewed fruit compote sounds more like it).

I can't tell if you already see this, but I will say it again just in case because I can NOT say it enough: I do NOT set out to "make fruit pops."

I set out to make PORTIONS that--at a moment's notice-- can serve in any capacity.

Take brekky this AM for example-- I thawed two portions while Hardi bustled about starting his Fri. Brekky routine. (My role was just to remind us both to include fruit in some way.) As serving time drew near, I said that I'd had in mind to combine the two flavors I'd thawed, and divide them in half-- for fruit cups.

"We're a little past that now," he replied. "Oh, OK...." and in a few minutes out came French toast for two, with panini-grilled fruit on top and in betweeen the slices. His was drizzled with maple syrup, mine was not. (For my program the fruiit is all the sugar I need. He was on his way out to plow, so he needed that little bit more calories.)

Again, the point was that we were pre-prepped with exactly the right thing.

You, for example, could thaw yours and run it thru the frypan in a little butter and spices. Bingo, compote. You could nuke it in some herb tea-- boom, flavored tea with chewy bits of fiber left at bottom.

We enjoyed ours last night, even having been cold all evening, as pops for a teensy (allowed) snack at bedtime.

The point is to STOCK THE FREEZER, not to think, while stocking, that you are "making" anything. The making comes later.

If yer in a hurry, you eat to live. If you have a little more time, you do more prep, and live to eat. Tomorrow I might stew some in some nice wine we have, for Sunday brunch. But it's THERE. :~)
