The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117020   Message #2520128
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
19-Dec-08 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Subject: RE: BS: Your cultural heritage- is it important?
Hi Kids: HO HO HO...Just been to the Mall. How about this. We EXCHANGE heritages until the NEW YEAR! That Christmasy feeling has come upon me, and what better way to let someone know you care than by letting them be POLISH for 2 weeks?!

Ride with me on this one. All you have to do is change your last name to something Slavic, something you have a hard time spelling, and YOU are there...

Complete the trial by eating only pierogies, kielbasa, kishka, cabbage soup, guwompkies(embarrassed to say I can't spell it. Sorry Ma.) for the trial period and you will be INTO IT!

Put on that Bowling shirt, Polka your way to the Mall, you know, get down wid yer own bad self...

When you say your new name, LOOK at the expression on the person you're speaking to...You'll notice they look at you like the RCA Dog, or, a deer in the headlights! Heartwarming isn't it?

You'll get used to it. And think of all the FUN things you can do! Collect mispronunciations of your name. Start scrapbooking the misspellings. I tell you, the FUN just NEVER STOPS!

NOW. I'LL be willing to try out that Brit, stiff upper lip, God Save the Queen, crumpet stuff if you let me. Might take me a while to get used to the bowler & umbrella, but I'm willing to WORK on it.

And, the BEST thing about this is, if you don't like the heritage you got, you can return it on BOXING DAY!

The creativity just never stops over here...Merry Christmas...bob