The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2520716
Posted By: kendall
20-Dec-08 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Who started WW 1? as far as we were concerned, we got into it because the Germans torpedoed the Lusitania killing American civilians. They were warned not to enter a war zone and they went anyway. The ship was carrying munitions for England, and Germany took out ads in New York papers warning us that any ship entering British waters with munitions for England would be fair game.

"If you know the dog bites"

WW 2. Roosevelt ordered the Japanese out of China and Indochina. Then he stopped all exports to Japan. Finally, he froze all of Japans assets in American banks. From their point of view, we asked for it.

Korea. Where the hell did we get the right to split Korea? What
tore the gag off the bush" was when Dean Acheson, Truman's sec. of state said that there was nothing in that area of any interest to us. The North Koreans took that as a green light.
The bombing of the towers was not an act of war, it was a criminal act that Iraq had NOTHING to do with.

We haven't always fired the first shot as we did at Lexington and Concord, 1812, the Mexican war, the Spanish American war, etc. but we sure as hell made sure we were involved in every war we have ever been in.