The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117148   Message #2520901
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Dec-08 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am sick of this snow!
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
The solution is obvious! Only write in capitals. That way you are not required to dot the "I".

Now, back to the main subject...snow. I hate the stuff. And this year there has been more of it in early December than I can recall going back to...heck, the 1950s. I've already hired people to clear a massive buildup off the roof from earlier this month, and it's still coming down. Now I'm out there every day or two dragging it off the roof with one of those long-handled tools for clearing roofs of snow. Un-frickin'-believable. It isn't even Christmas yet and it looks like late February out there. It's also cold enough to freeze the you-know-whats off the mango picker. If I was Shane I would get drunk, stay indoors, and watch porno movies that I stole from the video store, and probably not venture out again till spring. I would count on the big brother (Don) to deal with payin' the bills and plowin' the driveway and re-stockin' the booze. That is what a big brother is for, right? Alas, I am not Shane, and I must deal with the blasted white stuff myself.