The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2520910
Posted By: catspaw49
20-Dec-08 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
First, I have never taken a cheap shot at you. I've infused every one with value!!!

Next up Wavy........I've been here for 10 years and everyone has easy access to my name, address, phone number, e-mail......Hell, there were even CAT-scans of me posted at one point so there is nothing anonymous about me.

Several kind folks on this forum have told me that you're entitled to your say......and they're right! You've been having it ad infinitum and as Gervase correctly points out, nothing is new with you and every link goes to your sites of assorted amounts of weirdness.

Your type of bigot though needs to be countered and many here have tried as well as the many who have tried to help you in your other works. Some, like me, are just tired of your "pusillanimous claptrap" which screams bigot in every way. You live off the public dole and blame others for your state of affairs. Your logic is faulty and your premises are those of the racist and bigot. This is not a put down or an attack but simply the truth as I see it.

Have a nice day.
