The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4517   Message #25211
Posted By: John Nolan
05-Apr-98 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Freedom Come All Ye (Hamish Henderson)
Subject: RE: Freedom come all ye
I was back home in Glasgow, last week, for the funeral of old friend Jimmie Harvie, an 87-year-old stalwart of the Bricklayers' Union, and conscience of the Scottish Labour Party. It was his wish that at the crematorium, Freedom Come All Ye should be sung - and movingly it was too, led off by Gordeanna McCulloch (once of The Clutha) and who now directs Glasgow Socialist Women's Choir. It was Jimmy's feeling, shared by many of us Socialists and left-wing Nationalists, that this song should be Scotland's National Anthem, certainly not the present crap, and not the more popular but slightly racist Flower of Scotland. Incidentlly, at the same service, the mourners (celebrants of Jimmy's great life, really) also sang the Internationale with great fervor.