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Thread #116727   Message #2521936
Posted By: Jim Dixon
22-Dec-08 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
Subject: Index: Abridged Academy Song-book (Levermore, 1915
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The Abridged Academy Song-Book
For Use in Schools and Colleges
By Charles H. Levermore, Ph.D.
Revised Edition
(Boston: Ginn and Company, 1918)

Abide with Me - Monk - 260
Above the Mountains - - 85
Addison - - 270
Adelphi School Song - Reddall - 60
Adeste Fideles - Reading - 252
Aladdin - - 145
Alford - - 247
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - - 259
All Saints - - 276
Alleluia - Lowe - 233
Alma Mater - - 73
America - Henry Carey - 1
America the Beautiful - Ward - 36
Amherst Song - - 80
Amici - - 73
Angel of Peace - - 52
Angel Voices Ever Singing - Sullivan - 264
Annie Laurie - - 155
Arbor Day Song - Oliver - 297
Army Hymn - Oliver - 39
Art Thou Weary (Two Versions) - Bullinger. Hopkins. - 277
As Pants the Wearied Hart - Mendelssohn - 260
As Shadows Cast by Cloud and Sun - Cutler - 276
Aspiration - Dykes - 261
At Twilight - - 213
Auld Lang Syne - - 127
Aurelia - - 250
Avon - V. C. T. - 271
Battle Hymn of the Republic - - 50
Battle Prayer - Körner - 194
Baxter - Burnap - 248
Bear a Lily in Thy Hand - - 133
Behold the Sabre - Offenbach - 215
Beside the Mill - Gluck - 161
Bird Let Loose, The - - 259
Bird Song, The - Herron - 238
Blue Bells of Scotland - - 31
Blushing Maple Tree, The - McCaskey - 240
Boat Song - - 154
Bonnie Dundee - - 15
Bowdoin Song - - 75
Breathe on Me, Breath of God - - 273
Brief Life Is Here Our Portion - Herron - 262
British National Anthem - - 12
Byron Lay Dreaming - Harrow Song. J. F. - 120
Campbells Are Coming, The - - 14
Canadian Boat Song - - 157
Chapel, The - Kreutzer - 170
Chorus of Pilgrims - Wagner - 290
Christian Flag, The - Woodman - 292
Christian, Dost Thou See Them? - Dykes - 288
Christmas Fanfare and Carol - - 228
Christmas Time Is Come Again - - 258
Christmas Tree, The - - 234
Christus Victor - Sullivan - 272
Church's One Foundation, The - Wesley - 250
Clover So White - - 194
Come, Thou Almighty King - - 265
Come, Ye Disconsolate - - 238
Consolation - Mendelssohn, Arr - 260
Corn Song - - 187
Coronae - Monk - 267
Coronation - Miles Lane - 258
Cradle Song - Taubert - 140
Crown the Saviour - Monk - 267
Crusader's Hymn - Willis - 261
Cuckoo, The - Hullah - 206
Dannebrog, The - Bay - 38
Dear Lord, I Thank Thee - Maker - 242
Dearest Spot on Earth, The - - 126
Dennis - Nägeli - 265
Devotion - - 259
Divine Pilot, The - Redhead - 257
Down the Hill - Harrow Song. J. F. - 88
Draw the Sword, Scotland - - 13
Ducker - Harrow Song - 70
Dulce Domum - Reading - 98
Dundee - - 278
Eli Yale - - 62
Ellacombe - - 252
Eton Boating Song - - 108
Evening Bells - - 81
Evening Song - - 197
Evening Song (Gaelic) - - 69
Eventide - Monk - 28
Faintly Flow, Thou Falling River - - 156
Fair Harvard - - 57
Fairest Lord Jesus - - 251
Faith - Rossini - 33
Farewell - - 111
Farewell Song - - 91
Farewell to the Forest - Mendelssohn - 164
Farewell, O Joyous, Sunny Grove - Esser - 149
Father, I Scarcely Dare to Pray - - 263
Fire of Home - Worster - 191
First Violets, The - Bellini - 145
Fishermen's Chorus - Auber - 199
Five Hundred Faces - Harrow Song - 121
Flag of the Free - - 9
Flemming - - 253
Flower Song - Oliver - 220
Football Song - Harrow - 96
For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country - Herron - 249, 286
Forsaken - Koschat - 86
Freedom's Flag - Geibel - 28
Gaudeamus - - 72
Glad Light Illumes This Day - Brown - 255
Gladly Now We Hail Ye - Bellini - 185
Gloria Patri - Greatorex - 279
Glorious Fourth, The - - 46
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken - Rossini - 236
God Bless Our Native Land - - 1
God of the Nations - Verdi - 182
God Save America - Lvoff - 27
God Speed the Right - - 10
God the All Powerful! Thou Who Ordainest - - 27
God the Lord a King Remaineth - - 247
God, My King, Thy Might Confessing - Dykes - 262
God's Will and Love - Troyte - 279
Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes - - 134
Good Night, Farewell - - 168
Good-Night - - 138
Good-Night - Perkins - 200
Graduation Song - - 114
Graduation Song - Davenant - 56
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - - 156
Hail Columbia - - 4
Hail to Our Flag - - 52
Hail! Thou Long-Expected Jesus - Conkey - 243
Hark, Hark, My Soul - Roe - 254
Hark, Hark, the Lark - Schubert - 174
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing - Mendelssohn - 257
Harrow Marches Onward - - 102
He Giveth His Beloved Sleep - - 224
Help It On - - 116
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - - 273
Holy, Holy, Holy - Dykes - 253
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord - Spohr - 273
Home Land, The - - 35
Home They Brought Her Warrior - Macfarren - 139
Home, Sweet Home - Bishop - 125
How Can I Leave Thee - - 193
How Gentle God's Commands - Nägeli - 265
Hunter's Farewell - Mendelssohn - 160
Huntsman, The - - 82
Huntsman, The - - 82
Huntsman's Chorus - Von Weber - 203
Hursley - Monk - 266
Hymn for Airmen - Oliver - 39
Hymn of the Fishermen's Children - Herald - 132
Hymn of the Marseillaise - - 20—21
Hymn of the Toilers - - 193
Hymn to Music - - 146
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Two Versions) - Dykes. Wild. - 284-285
I Know a Bank - Horn - 166
I Worship Thee, Sweet Will of Cod - - 275
I Would That My Love - Mendelssohn - 128
In Heavenly Love Abiding - - 274
In Heavenly Love Abiding - Bensel - 270
In Meadow and in Garden - Oliver - 286
In the Days of Old - - 123
In the Hour of Trial - - 288
In the Secret of His Presence - Oliver - 287
Innisfail - - 18
Integer Vitae - Flemming - 74
Integer Vitae (Latin Words) - - 75
Into the Woods My Master Went - - 235
Isle of Beauty - Bayly - 148
It Came upon the Midnight Clear - Willis - 242
Italian Hymn - Giardini - 265
Jerusalem the Golden - Ewing - 246
Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me - Redhead - 257
Jewett - - 251
John Anderson, My Jo - Watson - 198
Joy! Joy! Freedom To-Day - - 189
Keller's American Hymn - - 52
Killarney - Balfe - 172
King's Highway, The - Molloy - 142
Krambambuli - - 63
Land of Memory - - 75
Last Prayer, A - - 263
Lauriger Horatius (Latin and English Words) - - 68
Lead Us, Heavenly Father - Gounod - 264
Lead, Kindly Light - Dykes, 266. Peace - 285
Leaving the Nest - Reddall - 83
Let Erin Remember the Days of Old - Balfe - 34
Let Glory Be to God on High - Dykes - 268
Litany Hymn - - 274
Litoria - - 64
Little Tin Soldier - Molloy - 162
Little While, A - Herron - 241
London Bridge - Molloy - 176
Lone Fishball, The (Two Versions) - - 112-113
Lord God of Hosts, Whose Mighty Hand - - 45
Lord of Every Land and Nation - - 233
Lord, in This Thy Mercy's Day - Monk - 223
Lord, with Glowing Heart - Flotow - 245
Loreley, The - - 67
Love Divine, All Love Excelling - Roe - 244
Low-Backed Car, The - - 150
Lullaby - Sullivan - 152
Lullaby, A - - 152
Lutzow's Wild Hunt - Von Weber - 212
Lux Benigna - Dykes - 266
Magali - - 158
Maid of Athens - Allen - 84
Man's a Man for A' That, A - Burns - 171
Maple Leaf Forever, The - Muir - 37
March o' the Cameron Men - - 19
Marlborough - Sullivan - 269
Marseillaise, Hymn of The - - 20
Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground - - 190
May Song - - 154
Melita - Dykes - 268
Mellow Horn, The - Jones - 216
Men of Harlech - - 16
Mendelssohn - - 257
Mermaid, The - - 90
Merry, Merry Christmas Bells - Oliver - 224
Miller of the Dee - - 150
Mountains, The - - 55
My Faith Looks Up to Thee - Mason - 269
My God, My Father, While I Stray - - 279
My Heart's in the Highlands - - 25
My Jesus, as Thou Wilt - Von Weber - 251
My Native Land - - 48
Nassau, Old - - 124
National Song of Holland - - 47
Native Land - - 211
Nazareth - Gounod - 226
Nearer, My God, to Thee - Sullivan - 278
Nearer, My God, to Thee, - Herron - 256
'Neath the Elms - - 53
New "Hail Columbia" - - 5
Nicaea - - 253
Night, The - Schubert - 179
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen - - 135
O Beautiful for Spacious Skies - - 36
O Come, All Ye Faithful - Reading - 252
O Come, Emmanuel - - 244
O God of Earth and Altar - Smart - 49
O God, Our Help - - 278
O Jesu, Thou Art Standing - Knecht - 248
O Lord of Hosts! Almighty King - - 39
O Paradise - Barnby - 267
O Sacred Head, Once Wounded - - 276
O Sometimes Gleams upon Our Sight - - 33
O, for the Peace That Floweth as a River - - 241
October - Harrow Song. J. F. - 76
Oh, Could Our Thoughts and Wishes Fly - - 259
Old Familiar Place, The - Glover - 130
Old Glory - - 42
Old Rosin the Bow - - 175
Olivet - L. Mason - 269
On to the Field - Bellini - 165
One Grand Sweet Song - King - 217
Onward, Christian Soldiers - Sullivan - 272
Onward, Ever Onward - Farmer - 144
Orange and the Black, The - - 54
Our Native Land - - 30
Our Native Song - - 7
Our Own Dear Land - - 44
Over the Mountain Wave - White - 196
Palms, The - Faure - 230
Partant pour la Syrie - - 22-23
Parting Hymn - Hopkins - 245
Passion Chorale - Bach - 276
Peace on Earth - Donizetti - 237
People's Prayer, The - - 45
Pilgrim Chorus - Wagner - 290
Praise of Song - Maurer - 204
Praise to God, Immortal Praise - Elvey - 249
Praise Ye the Father - Flemming - 253
Prayer for Peace - - 27
Processional March Song - - 41
Questions and Answers - - 112
Ranz Des Vaches - - 40
Rathbun - - 243
Red, White, and Blue - - 6
Regent Square - - 247
Rejoice To-Day - Southwick - 225
Rise, Crowned with Light - Oliver - 289
Robin Adair - - 130
Rock of Ages - Dykes - 223
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep - - 214
Round the Lord in Glory Seated - Oliver - 294
Rounds (Six Selections) - Oliver - 298
Rousseau's Hymn - Rousseau - 271
Sailing - Marts - 186
Saint Joles - Harrow Song - 115
Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise - - 245
Saviour, Blessed Saviour - Dykes - 261
Saviour, Source of Every Blessing - - 148
Saviour, When in Dust to Thee - - 274
School of Jolly Boys - - 106
Schoolhouse and the Flag - Southwick - 105
Scots Wha Hae wi' Wallace Bled - - 24
Send Down Thy Truth, O God - - 273
Seymour - - 246
Shadows of the Evening Hours - Bensel - 268
Ship of State - - 29
Silent Night - Barnby - 222
Silent Night - Haydn - 254
Sing Tangent, Co-Tangent - - 80
Sing, O Children, Sing with Gladness - F. R. - 231
Sion - Rodney - 227
Skaters' Song - Schumann - 209
Sleep, Baby, Sleep - - 137
Slumber Song - - 192
Soft, Soft Music Is Stealing - - 143
Softly Now the Light of Day - Weber - 246
Soldiers' Chorus - Gounod - 180
Soldiers' Farewell - Kinkel - 200
Song of Parting - Mendelssohn - 169
Song of the Free - - 3
Songs Revealing - - 197
Source of Song - Harrow Song. J. F. - 93
Sow Not in Sorrow - Nägeli - 110
Spacious Firmament on High, The - - 270
Speed Away - Woodbury - 202
Spinning Song - Reinecke - 210
St. George's Chapel - - 249
St. Oswald - Dykes - 262
Stars and Stripes, The - - 51
Stars Are Fading - Marzials - 173
Stars of the Summer Night - - 71
Star-Spangled Banner - - 2
Still, Still with Thee - Sullivan - 269
Storm, The - Hullah - 140
Students' Way - - 116
Sun Is Bright, The - Von Weber - 134
Sun of My Soul - Monk - 266
Sun Smiles in Beauty, The - - 163
Swedish National Air - - 17
Sweet and Low - Barnby - 219
Sweet Roses That Wither - - 178
Sweet Will of God - - 275
Swing, Cradle, Swing - Cooper - 204
Sword Song - - 26
Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand - Dykes - 247
Tenting To-Night - - 8
There's Music in the Air - - 69
There's Nothing Bright Above, Below - V.C.T. - 271
Those Endearing Young Charms - - 57
Thou Grace Divine, Encircling All - - 278
Thou, Whose Almighty Word - Giardini - 265
Thou'rt Like Unto a Flower - Rubinstein - 136
Three Cheers for the Olden Time - - 188
Three Kings of Orient - - 126
Thy Land - F. Reichardt - 32
Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord - Burnap - 248
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too - Ross - 10
To Thee, My God, My Saviour - - 252
To-Day and To-Morrow - Beethoven - 131
Trees and the Master, The - McCaskey - 235
Truth - - 208
Two Empires - - 12
Ubi Bene, Ibi Patria - - 61
Underneath the Briny Sea - Harrow Song - 78
Up the Hills - Rossini - 137
Upidee - - 58-59
Vale - Barnby - 117
Valedictory - King - 67
Vesper Hymn - - 195
Vive Le Capitaine John - - 122
Voice of the Bell - Harrow Song - 103
Wait for the Wagon - Buckley - 184
Wake! and Tune Your Youthful Voices - Southwick - 232
Wake, Freshmen, Wake - - 92
Wander Song - - 100
Wanderer, The - - 87
Warren's Address - - 24
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night - Mason - 243
We March, We March (Two Versions) - Oliver. Barnby - 280-282
We Plough the Fields - - 250
Weary of Earth - Langran - 293
Wentworth - Maker - 242
Weston - - 244
What Means This Glory Round Our Feet - - 237
What Need Have I - - 207
When All the World Is Young - Barnard - 152
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - - 271
When on the World's First Harvest Day - - 240
When the Mists Have Rolled in Splendor - - 271
When the Weary Seeking Rest - Stainer - 283
Where Is the True Man's Fatherland - - 32
Where Would I Be - Zöllner - 210
Whichever Way the Wind Doth Blow - Mason - 188
While Shepherds Watched - Methfessel - 275
Wild Rose, The - Werner - 138
Wild Rosebud, The - Schubert - 129
Willis - - 242
Willow the King - Harrow Song - 119
Winchester School Song - Reading - 98
Winter Is Over and Gone at Last, The - - 238
World Is Very Evil, The - Herron - 263
Zephyr of Nightfall - - 147