The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109748   Message #2522605
Posted By: Bobert
22-Dec-08 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Administration: Aftermaths
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Administration: Aftermaths
Well, seemed as if I had seen this thread before and, well...

...I had...

(Halfheimerzes ain't half bad...)

But really, yeah, there is this very incidious thing that has gone on where the military has crept so close to runnin' the show and, it and the economy, will be Obama's largest challenge...

Obama has been smart in bringing in some high ranking military folks because he will need them if he is going to take on the Pentagon...

Whether or ot these folks will be loyal to Obama or their ol' buddies remains to be seen but there would be no civilians who would have stood a chance...

So, I guess, we'll just have to wait and see if Obama can cajole these military people to take on their ol' buds...

Might work... Might not...
