The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115330   Message #2522723
Posted By: VirginiaTam
23-Dec-08 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: Wassail Good Intent Rochester UK
Subject: RE: Wassail Good Intent Rochester UK
RB. Your capacity to remember every mistake you yourself made is a bit scary and quite unnecessary. Your performances were (as they usually are) compelling. Sorry I had to excuse myself several times for requisite coughing fit during your songs.

I was quite taken with (I think) This Ay Nicht. I have only heard it done by Mediaeval Baebes which is now relegated to "Easy Listening" compared to your version. Thank you for that.

Looking forward to next weekend(cough left far behind). Thanks again for the kind compliment above.

Pierre la chapeaux - we will miss you next weekend and did not see or hear enough of you this last weekend. Vos priorités, monsieur!