The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2523977
Posted By: Barry Finn
24-Dec-08 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Look, Bush was wrong no matter who you compare him to. He lied to the people, he lied to Congress, he lied to the world, he wanted his war & he got it, a real disaster. As the Grand Uniter he split the country, he force fed US a fear mongering policy, he took away loads of our civil & human rights, he trashed the Bill of Rights, a good percentage of the Amendments & pissed on our Constitution. He led a policy of torture & established a new form of prisoner treatment call "Extreme Rendition" in defience of the Geneva Conventions, he restarted the centuries old crusades of the West against the East to regain the "Oily Land" & his quest for "Oily Grail" has not only killed mass amounts of people, he's prevented peace from coming to the Mid East & therefore the world. His war has cost US in part the economic disater we're in now. Oh, I thought it was the Banks & mortgages that caused that? Ya, but if we had back the billions he's thrown into the desert sands would we be in as bad a shape as we are now?

Bush's war wasn't a mistake, a mistake is when you add up figures & you did it wrong, a mistake is when you forget & call someone by a wrong name, a mistake is when you forget to pay a bill on time. This was a tragedy, a once in a century disaster, a life time seditious act, a international calamity & a national catasrophe & worst it was on purpose & he only needed the help of a few traitors to pull it off. Obama, when he gets into office, should line him & his henchmen in front of a firing squad after they've been made to confess by the use of waterboarding, a sport that they condoned.
A 'MISTAKE', you have to be kidding!!!!
